
As technologies have advanced, the requirement for niche raw materials meeting higher quality specifications has escalated. Companies have leveraged global supply chains to first access necessary new materials and secondly to do so at a reasonable cost. Supply chains have become leaner, reducing overall acquisition cost and working capital. And, the disruptions that have emerged due to COVID 19 have only magnified the impact.

Tetra Med Sciences is proficient in developing robust chemical processes, and can scale-up a product of interest rapidly. We integrate analytical services such as method development, validation, transfer, and reference standard qualification throughout the development process. Our experts are also well-versed in providing necessary regulatory support for clients.

Sl.NO Chemical Name CAS Number API Name
1 Xanthine Sodium salt 1196-43-6 Excipients
2 Tetra Benzyl Pyro Phosphate 990-91-0 Reagents
3 4-Methoxy 3-Methyl Benzonitrile 3556-60-3


    Tetra Med Sciences pulls on several resources to meet these specific needs: leveraging our sourcing offices to identify potential suppliers, working with critical partners, and/or leveraging new our own captive R&D and production facilities.

    We aim to provide choice to our customers – choice in quality systems, location, and manufacturer, so that they get the best solution for their challenge.